Life in September


Hello friends :) Apparently it's been a year and a half since my last blog post. Who knew?! I guess I feel like so many of you keep track of my meanderings on Facebook that it would be redundant to keep you updated with all these words too, but now that I have one integrated website I'm going to try to be better ;)

Speaking of which… check out my new website! I think it's pretty cool. Always looking for feedback, so if you have any, send it my way.

So, Tiffany, what is going on in your life right now?

I feel like I finally have an exciting answer to that question!

First of all, I've been working on this mega project for the last year called The Impression Guys. If you haven't heard of it then I'm not sure how we're still friends because I swear it's every other post I make on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram. If you have heard of it but you haven't watched it then I'm officially calling you out. We're friends and this is the work I'm doing in LA, so please support me and watch the show. It's a revolutionary new way to watch television…for FREE on YouTube. So, watch it! We'll be airing seven new episodes starting on Tuesday, October 14th. So I'll excuse you until then if you haven't seen it yet ;)

I have a new day job! Acting in LA is incredibly difficult when you don't have a job that's flexible. I tried to go all freelance last year at around this time and it worked for awhile, and then the Holidays hit and I was unemployed for four months. Some of you may have even heard talk of me moving back to Phoenix. It wasn't a pretty time and I can't believe that I survived out here through that. Lots of friends, family, and tax payers to thank for my survival ;)

In March I got a job working at the front desk for Ciel Spa at The SLS Hotel. It was a great job while it lasted and it kept me paying rent and eating for the last six months. But now I finally, FINALLY! have a job that I can do from home (or a coffee shop, or my car, or anywhere with internet) and make my own hours. I'm working as the Assistant to the Director of a talent search event that takes place worldwide. It's absolutely perfect for me. After two years in Los Angeles I'm finally not constrained by a work schedule and I can pursue Acting without worrying about not being able to get off work and without worrying about where my next paycheck is coming from.

I've been in this new position for about two weeks and it's already given me the opportunity to go to auditions and callbacks, book a small part in a play, do a reading for a friend, and go to a couple workshops. Just… ya know... kickin' ass and takin' names.

August was my first month back at my acting studio, Anthony Meindl's Actor Workshop, since September of last year (again with the finances) and it feels oh so wonderful to be back! If you're looking for an acting studio in Los Angeles or New York, this is the place.

Crossfit is a new(ish) part of my life too, at StrengthRX Crossfit. Unfortunately I haven't been able to be incredibly consistent with it because of scheduling challenges. But come October I'm hoping there will be a few posts from me about that and my progress there.

I still go to church at Reality LA, and a couple months ago I started volunteering with the Kids' Ministry. So, two Sundays a month I go cuddle with the wittle bitty babies. Da babies!!

Speaking of babies, I'm still single :) If you're shocked, then help a sister out and do something about it!! If you're not…well…I hope you step on legos.

I recently finished watching all 10 seasons of Friends, and then all 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls. And I have a friend who hooked me up with an HBO GO password. Up until a couple weeks ago this was hands down the most exciting news in my life. I didn't want it to be overlooked.

The next thing on my list is to find an Agent! Hence, the snazzy new photographs (thank you, Kate Kipley!) and the sparkly new website.

I have some fun activities planned for the next couple weeks. Including a four day workshop with Sam Christensen Studios (for reals though, I'm super geeking about this workshop I'm so excited), and my BFF cousin Rebecca's wedding in Oregon.

Now you can consider yourself officially filled in!

Here's to promises of many more updates that will happen much sooner than 15 months from now,

